HansaHood - international art project for the neighbourhood (Le Havre/Berlin)
16-29 August 2021
Even before the Covid crisis, we set out in search of a new contemporaneity and the binding forces that could hold our society together.
What role does public space play in this?
How can it be designed to create more cohesion?
What SHIFTS in Le Havre/Normandie started three years ago with the event format RIM is condensed at HansaHood in Berlin. Hansaplatz becomes a research field for a team of artists - dancers, utopians, visual artists and story collectors:
They want to give the bodies back to this space. In a place that needs the body as a point of reference, measure and centre. The aim is reopening public space as a place of social interaction and to build a social sculpture together with the neighbourhood for another "city of tomorrow"...
HansaHood invites you: To be inspired. Not to give up. Be courageous. To enjoy being together and doing things productively: tell your story, come along, shape things - walk together and become part.
Attention, preliminary! - Programme will be updated continuously for more details click or touch the titles.
Meeting point, if not otherwise specified at the Kaiser-Friedrich-Gedächtniskirche, Händelallee 20, Berlin Tiergarten
Mon 16 - Fri 20 Daily from 12:00 - 18:00
The interactive sculpture "Slats und Mats: a Basmesepiton " will be created on the square in front of the Hansa Library. By and with Marc Vatinel and Dorian Guerin.
Fri 20 20:00 Handover and inauguration of the sculpture at the Hansa Library.
Tue 24 17:00 - 20:00 Collecting wild herbs and eating together with Inés Lauber.
Tue - Thu 24.25.26. 16:00 - 18:00 "CONCRETE MOVES FOR TOMORROW".
Movement workshop with David Brandstätter (open to all).
Performance workshop with Sabine Zahn (open to all).
HANSAHOOD takes a look around.
Wed 18 14:00 - 15:30 & 18:00 - 19:30 "Living Neighbourhoods - Amazing Nature in Hansaviertel".
Excursion with ecologist Hans Christian Offer.
Fri 20 18:00-19:00 "Magical Mystery Tour"
Go and see curious plant beings with landscape designer Marc Vatinel
Thu 26 16:00 - 17:30 "Hostile Architecture" A tour in Hansaviertel.
With Andreas Abel, social worker Gangway e.V.
HANSAHOOD has visions.
Thu 19 & 26 18:00 - 20:00 "Quo vadis, KFG? - A future workshop"
We collect ideas for the future of the Kaiser Friedrich Gedächtniskirche - HansaHood in cooperation with the creative team of the KFG. Workshop with Uwe Gössel and Henrik Adler.
Sat 21 - Sun 29 15:00 - 19:00 "Drawing Utopias" at the Platz der Morgenröte - with Martin Kaltwasser "The City of Tomorrow".
HANSAHOOD sparkles.
Thu 19 & 26 8:30 p.m. Cinema in the KFG church garden: in cooperation with Filmkultur in Moabit e.V.
Thu 19 Jaques Tati: "Mon Oncle" & Thu 26 Thomas Elsässer: "Die Sonneninsel". Followed by a film discussion.
HANSAHOOD falls [and rises again].
Sat 21 20:00 Movement workshop "Push Pull" with David Brandstätter (open to all).
HANSAHOOD goes on parade.
Fri 27 19:30 Together with the visitors of Ortstermin we parade through the neighbourhood.
From and with David Brandstätter, Malgven Gerbes, Thiago Granato, Katell Hartereau, Léonard Rainis
HANSAHOOD performs.
Sat 28 17:30 "concrete moves for tomorrow" at KFG
Sun 29 11:30 Performance in the garden of the Hansa Library followed by an artist talk, in cooperation with Offen für Kultur/Hansabibliothek
HANSAHOOD exhibits.
Sun 29 17h30 Final presentation at the sculpture in front of the Hansa Library with exchange and discussion.
HansaHood - an international art project with: Henrik Adler, David Brandstätter and Malgven Gerbes (shifts), Adrienne Goehler, Uwe Gössel, Dorian Guérin, Katell Hartereau and Léonard Rainis (le pôle), Thiago Granato, Martin Kaltwasser, Oscar Loeser, Frauke Niemann, Marc Vatinel + guests
production shifts-art in movement
supported by the Fonds Darstellender Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media within the framework of NEUSTART KULTUR and by Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles de Normandie, la Région Normandie.
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