Odyssées Impressionnistes is a choreographic exhibition presented as part of the festival Normandie Impressionnistes, and in collaboration with Le Phare CCN and la Maison de l'architecture de Normandie - Le Forum, combining:
Choreographic performances
Video, photo and interactive installations.
Outdoor performances.
placing the public at the heart of the artistic experience.
Created by shifts - art in movement in collaboration with Le Phare - Centre chorégraphique national du Havre Normandie, and the Maison de l'architecture de Normandie - le Forum, Our Odyssées Impressionnistes invite audiences to experience, live and take part in a choreographic exhibitions, performances, and outdoor performative extensions, in Le Havre and Rouen between May 17th and 28th, 2024. Inspired by shifts’ 20 years of choreographic, cultural and human experience in France and abroad, particularly in Asia, 8/9 French and international artists will offer a new degree of intimacy and transparency, an updated impression, an essence of the journey that they will share with the public.
Odyssey is about embracing the projects and creations we've produced, celebrate the collaborations we've had, it's about embracing all our memories and experiences, sharing their essence with the audiences and bring out new memories, discoveries, sensations, impressions and desires.
Odyssées Impressionnistes will be presented within the festival Normandie Impressionniste, in two parallel locations and contexts:
-in Le Havre, as part of the Plein Phare Out festival on May 24-25-26, 2024, with a choreographic and performative exhibition in the Choreographic Center, with invitation to discover an individualized choreographic experience for spectators within shifts’ studio, and the sharing of a parachute performance, deployed by the dancers and the wind, on the beach of Le Havre.
-in Rouen, at the Maison de l'architecture de Normandie - le Forum, an exhibition bringing together photo archives, videos, texts, scenographic elements and choreographic vignettes will be shared over a 2-week period from May 17 to 28, 2024, with 3 highlights on May 17, 18 and 28.
Concept and project Malgven Gerbes and David Brandstätter / shifts - art in movement Artistic collaboration, Performance Nora Barna, Sofia Casprini, Michiyasu Furutani, Tarlie Lumby, le pôle : Katell Hartereaub & léonard Rainis, Lyllie Rouvière, Riccardo De Simone Scenographic and videographic collaboration Laure Delamotte - Legrand Dialogue Uwe Gössel, Alexandros Mistriotis, David Williams Sound David Brandstätter Technic and lights Maximilien Sautai Production Manager Alix Pellet Photos Thorsten Wiesmann, Chris Nash, Malgven Gerbes, Claude Hilde, David Brandstätter.
Production shifts - art in movement Co-production Le Phare, Centre Chorégraphique National du Havre Normandie as part of the "artiste associé" scheme (2019-21); La Maison de l'Architecture de Normandie - le Forum, Rouen; festival Normandie Impressionniste, Residences Kunst in der Porschestrsasse / festival PerspectkiveInnenstadt Wolfsburg, Uferhallen Berlin &exposition ZNE Examples to follow Conception / research with the support of the German fund Nationale Performance Netz Stepping Out.