and each project starts with a desire for exploration and often with the urge to change a point of view or a preconception. Every performance represents a snap shot on this path of exploration. s h i f t s challenge, in a time when everything seems to have been said already, is to stimulate perception so as to give the spectator the possibility of finding innovative links between what is said, and to discover new phrasings. The work reflects this wish to achieve a quality of transparency. Each project takes its time to evolve, for s h i f t s attach a great significance to performance and research process: two elements that are considered as equivalent areas of work, and both are given sufficient space for each to develop interdependently.
RIM - (Re)discovering (Inter)actions we Love
During an immersive week, a group of artists - choreographers, dancers, visual artists, playwrights, directors, architects - are invited to collaborate, sharing practices, thoughts and creative proposals in public space. Choreography, urbanism, social dynamics
& Collaborative research
Schon vor der Covid-Krise machte sich die Tanzkompanie SHIFTS auf die Suche nach einer neuen Zeitgenossenschaft und den bindenen Kräften, die unsere Gesellschaft zusammenhalten könnten. Welche Rolle spielt dabei der öffentlichen Raum? Wie kann er gestaltet werden, um mehr Zusammenhalt zu schaffen?
Der Hansaplatz wird zum Forschungsfeld für ein buntes Künstlerteam aus TänzerInnen, UtopistInnen, Bildenden KünstlerInnen und GeschichtensammlerInnen: Sie wollen dem Raum die Körper zurückgeben. An einem Ort, der den Körper als Bezugspunkt, Maß und Mitte braucht. Mit dem Ziel, den öffentlichen Raum als Ort der sozialen Interaktion wieder zu erschließen und zusammen mit der Nachbarschaft an einer Sozialen Plastik zu bauen, einer anderen "Stadt von Morgen”…
Eulogy to the shade
During the Summer 2008 the two choreographers Malgven Gerbes and David Brandstätter travelled together with the video artist Julien Crépieux and the sound designer Christoph Engelke for two months through South Korea and Japan. Together with local artists they organised each day a site-specific performance in a new environment. Eulogy to the shade is the movie that documents this travel.During the Summer 2008 the two choreographers Malgven Gerbes and David Brandstätter travelled together with the video artist Julien Crépieux and the sound designer Christoph Engelke for two months through South Korea and Japan. Together with local artists they organised each day a site-specific performance in a new environment. Eulogy to the shade is the movie that documents this travel.
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